@extends('layouts.master') @section('title', 'Ready to rate | Proxima - Medical Management app') @section('title-topbar', 'Rate') @section('css') @endsection @if (Session::has('success'))

Sent Successfully

{{ Session::get('success') }}

@endif @section('content')
Dashboard | Follow up | Ready to rate
Ready to rate @if (request()->date) @if (request()->date === 'last15') 15 days ago Appointments @else {{ request()->date }} Appointments @endif @else 2 days ago Appointments @endif
@foreach ($appointment_notdone as $item) @if ($item->status == 0) @php $text_color = 'not_accepted-color-btn'; $msg = __('patientappo.not accepted'); @endphp @elseif ($item->status == 1) @php $text_color = 'main-color-btn'; $msg = __('patientappo.accepted'); @endphp @elseif ($item->status == 2) @php $text_color = 'active-color-btn'; $msg = __('patientappo.arrived'); @endphp @elseif ($item->status == 3) @php $text_color = 'prog-color-btn'; $msg = __('patientappo.with doctor'); @endphp @elseif ($item->status == 4) @php $text_color = 'done-color-btn'; $msg = __('patientappo.done appointment'); @endphp @elseif ($item->status == 5) @php $text_color = 'pend-color-btn'; $msg = __('patientappo.not respond'); @endphp @elseif ($item->status == 6) @php $text_color = 'cancel-color-btn'; $msg = __('patientappo.canceled'); @endphp @endif @endforeach
{{ __('basic.name') }} {{ __('basic.status') }} {{ __('basic.branch') }} {{ __('basic.service') }} {{ __('basic.doctor') }} {{ __('basic.creator') }} {{ __('basic.rate') }}

{{ date('d M Y', strtotime($item->start_at)) }}

{{ $item->patient->name }}

{{ $item->patient->phone_number }}

{{ $msg }} {{ $item->branch->name }} {{ $item->service_item->name }} @if ($item->doctor) {{ $item->doctor->name }} @else No Doctor @endif @if ($item->creator) {{ $item->creator->name }} @else Patient @endif @php $rate_url = route('patient_auth.land_rate_appo_public', $item->code); @endphp @if ($item->status == 6)
WA {{-- WA --}}
@if (request()->date !== 'last15')
Rated Appointments
@foreach ($appointment_done as $item)

{{ date('d M Y', strtotime($item->start_at)) }} | {{ $item->branch->name }}

{{ $item->patient->name }}

{{ $item->patient->phone_number }}

@if ($item->rate->type == 1)
{{ __('basic.service') }} | {{ __('basic.doctors') }}
{{ $item->service_item->name }} | @if ($item->doctor) {{ $item->doctor->name }} @else No Doctor @endif
{{ __('basic.service') }}
@if ($item->rate->service == 1) @elseif ($item->rate->service == 2) @elseif ($item->rate->service == 3) @elseif ($item->rate->service == 4) @elseif ($item->rate->service == 5) @else No rate @endif
{{ __('basic.doctors') }}
@if ($item->rate->doctor == 1) @elseif ($item->rate->doctor == 2) @elseif ($item->rate->doctor == 3) @elseif ($item->rate->doctor == 4) @elseif ($item->rate->doctor == 5) @else No rate @endif
{{ __('basic.reception') }}
@if ($item->rate->reception == 1) @elseif ($item->rate->reception == 2) @elseif ($item->rate->reception == 3) @elseif ($item->rate->reception == 4) @elseif ($item->rate->reception == 5) @else No rate @endif
{{ __('basic.time') }}
@if ($item->rate->time == 1) @elseif ($item->rate->time == 2) @elseif ($item->rate->time == 3) @elseif ($item->rate->time == 4) @elseif ($item->rate->time == 5) @else No rate @endif
{{ __('basic.cleanliness') }}
@if ($item->rate->cleanliness == 1) @elseif ($item->rate->cleanliness == 2) @elseif ($item->rate->cleanliness == 3) @elseif ($item->rate->cleanliness == 4) @elseif ($item->rate->cleanliness == 5) @else No rate @endif
{{ __('basic.service') }}
{{ $item->service_item->name }}
{{ __('basic.reason') }}
{{ $item->rate->cancel->name }}
@endif @if ($item->rate->note) @endif
{{ $appointment_done->appends(request()->input())->links() }}
@endsection @section('js') @endsection