@extends('layouts.master') @section('title', 'Statistics | Proxima - Medical Management app') @section('title-topbar', 'Statistics') @section('css') @endsection @section('content')
{{ __('basic.dashboard') }} | {{ __('basic.patients') }} | {{ __('patientappo.patients statistics') }}
{{ __('patientappo.patients statistics') }}
{{ __('basic.patients') }}
Patient Per Branch @if ($from !== 'all') in the given date @endif
Total Patient @if ($from !== 'all') in the given date @endif
{{ $patient_total }} {{ __('basic.patients') }}
{{ __('patientappo.patient by gender') }} @if ($from !== 'all') in the given date @endif
{{ __('patientappo.patient by resource') }} @if ($from !== 'all') in the given date @endif
{{ __('patientappo.patient by country') }} @if ($from !== 'all') in the given date @endif
{{ __('patientappo.patient by city') }} @if ($from !== 'all') in the given date @endif
Most Examination | Diseases @if ($from !== 'all') in the given date @endif
Most Treatments @if ($from !== 'all') in the given date @endif
Most Medicines @if ($from !== 'all') in the given date @endif
@endsection @section('js') @php $chart_color = ['#1a78f1', '#38dfa8', '#d13c62', '#12c7d9', '#03c2c3', '#5035df', '#17a673', '#2e59d9', '#9aeded', '#f3d56a', '#7c859d', '#a4adc5', '#80142f', '#33d293', '#bed233', '#3958e9', '#10c86f', '#654fb6', '#a44fb6', '#89728e', '#c85110', '#6d769d', '#1b6954', '#204494', '#94206b', '#948320', '#209493', '#292094', '#203a65', '#4e6fa5', '#e29031', '#e23168', '#31e0e2', '#e29131', '#319fe2', '#8131e2', '#31a8e2', '#31e2c0', '#31c3e2', '#e2a931', '#3157e2']; @endphp @endsection